A friend of mine has been very patient. He gave me a 1/48 scale metal truck to build and paint. That was a couple of years ago (seems to be a trend here). Anyhow I have spent my lunch hours working on the project.
The individual parts |
It's interesting that the more modern trucks, or large scale models (trucks etc) are being pushed out in either plastic or resin. To be fair these materials are much easier to work with than metal, particularly when putting together. I had to spend a good deal of time scraping and cleaning the model of excess flash. Still it was time well spent on what has turned out to be a pleasant paint job...so far.
The model truck - sum of all its parts |
Some folk out there may call me a heretic but I put the truck together with superglue. Not as strong as a two part epoxy resin glue but I didn't want 'gloops' of glue hanging off the side of the truck. I know it would happen, no matter how careful I was. After the superglue had had time to cure I took the model outside and primed it black using Citadel Chaos Black spray paint.
I put down some initial colours after having had a discussion with my friend. We both agreed we didn't want it black, that would perhaps lose too much of the detail, neither did we want red, a little too ostentatious. We settled on a green cab with a wooden back. Having got this far I did a little research on trucks from the same period and took inspiration from the below.
Used without permission from hotrodhotline.com |
So here is the finished painted model truck. I now need to weather the truck, a different process to the initial paint job. I won't paint the wheels red, again too ostentatious for tastes. The truck is likely to be used as a plot point or part of the terrain in my friend's pulp games.
I'll be sure to post the finished model once it's completed.