Thursday, March 17, 2011

Old Miniatures Part 4 and Richard III Billmen

Well I have managed to complete some old Foundry bowmen I had stashed away. I have painted them up as levy archers with sympathies lying towards Henry Tudor. They have taken longer to paint than I expected, too many individuals! But I am reasonably pleased with the end result.

Here is my first stand of miniatures for my Bosworth Project. I am using orbats published by Terry Gore (Saga Publishing) for my Bosworth project. For Richard III's contingent I'll need to build and paint two more bases like the one shown below. I will need to complete the basing but I will do this at a later stage when I have more of the army completed.


  1. Really nice work.

    I've started following so I'll be keeping a keen eye on the progress of your army.


  2. Hello Darrell,

    thanks for following. Unfortunately I will be suspending the painting soon whilst I travel with my wife across Europe and Asia for nine months. Not sure what I am going to do when I get cold turkey from not painting.

  3. Richard,

    You have three options the way I see it:

    Smuggle toys into your luggage and when the urge gats too be too much surreptitiously nip out of your accomadation and buy paint from the nearest GW :O)

    Reign serious withdrawl simptoms to the extent that your family cannot resist a scene of such pity :O))

    Sit back and enjoy the beautifull sights, sounds and smells as you travel.

    I guess that i combination of the three may be the order of the day ;O)


  4. Erm.... oops....

    Reign should read Feign.


  5. I'll go for option three, it's a good opportunity for me to pick up my sketchbook...something I haven't done for a beery long time, although I did like the sound of option 1.

  6. I'm sure the trip will be incredible, and the miniatures are unlikely to wander off before you come home, I suppose. Excellent work in any case, and nice to see your progress to date!


  7. I like the sound of this...a War of the roses army in progress. I have just got the perry sets myself...I´ll keep an eye on your progress :-D
