Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The British are coming...

I have dipped my toes into the Napoleonic era, I am painting up a stand of British Infantry (28th Regiment of Foot). I have to say they are not as much of an eye bleeder as I thought. In fact they are on a par with HYW heraldry. I will update when I have some pics

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pirates of St. Brelade, part 2

Pirates of St. Brelade

Well, after the weekend festivities I have finally got around to uploading some pics of our club birthday game. It was a day of backstabbing, skull duggery and general mayhem as club members went about trying to amass as much wealth as possible to claim the title of Pirate Lord. Enjoy the pictures.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pirates by the Dozen Part 3

Well, I didn't reach my target of forty six pirates but I did manage to complete ten more pirates which gives me enough models for one crew. The others will have to wait a little while before they get completed.

I will post pictures of the crew along with pics of the club game over the next couple of days when I get the chance.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Pirates by the Dozen Part2

Well, things are moving forward...slowly. I don't think I will be able to finish forty six pirates in time, not without making my eyes bleed. Fortunately I only need to get about fifteen finished. I didn't want to compromise the painting style I have used as I am quite pleased with the finished article.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pirates by the Dozen

I have returned from my short holiday to the Gambia. I now have two days to paint 46 pirates. I shall keep you posted!